Recording Family History |

Recording family history is important for it means that you will never take anything of your family for granted. So many of us think tomorrow we can talk to Aunt Jenny or tomorrow we can write something down or tell someone something. Sometimes tomorrows don’t come.Gathering your family history does not have to be a chore. It can be a lot of fun and it can happen just about at any time. It is important that you are prepared if the opportunity arises.  Never let chances pass up for recording family history.A lot of people think that you have to plan times for recording family history. This is not exactly true, of course there are times you will need to do some planning in order to get the information you want, but not always. You can take ordinary times and make them recording family history time. Just be prepared and by this I mean keep a few things within easy reach and ready to be used.A little pre-planning allows you to be ready when those times come up that you could be recording family history. The best way to do this is to make your self a little kit. Call it your genealogy kit, or my recording family history kit. You can keep it in your car or make sure to put it in your car when you are out visiting relatives. You can keep it organized in a box or suitcase. It should contain the following:The following equipment can be held in a small storage container and will fit in even a small suitcase.o    Pens, pencils, colored pencils for charts
o    Any photographs you might have that might jar someone’s memory or you need identified
o    A camera
o    Zipper folder
o    Tape Recorder
o    Pedigree charts
o    Lap top computerThe kit you make for recording family history can be filled with whatever you will use. Whatever you are comfortable with and know how to use. So make sure that you are familiar with any equipment you plan to use, as there is nothing more frustrating than fiddling around with equipment when the time is passing by and do not forget the batteries.The key to recording family history is to do it in small manageable pieces and to keep track of the information that you gather. The pedigree charts are wonderful for this. This chart gives you a starting point and if you ever come to a stop or can’t find more information, then this is a great thing to give to a genealogist to research from that point. You simply fill in the spaces of what you do know, this should include the following:o    First name
o    Middle name
o    Last name
o    Maiden name
o    Married name
o    Date of birth
o    Date of death
o    Place of birth
o    Place of death
o    Marriage date
o    Marriage placeNow is the time to put your recording family history thinking cap on. Who is the person or persons in your family that seem to know the most of your history? We all have one or two Aunts or Granny’s that just seem to remember every detail. So when you pick the name/names write them a letter or send an email and tell them what you are doing. You can either set up an appointment or get them to write out something and send it to you. You could even if you felt comfortable, do a phone interview.Recording family history from relatives is a great start for the foundation of deeper genealogy research. With this information you easily gather more and more. Don’t be shy if you run across an old relative, take the time to ask them about the history of your family. You might be surprised at what they know and can tell you.

Locating My Personal Employment History – Why Do it and Where! |

Locating my personal employment history is has become a very important issue these days. And by «my», of course I mean «you». Now, when you apply for a new job, your employer will check your personal employment history for the safety the company, management and their employees.Why do companies use a personal employment history check?
Because a wise employer never hires a new employee without a background check. If they hire someone without thorough personal employment history check, they could be facing potential lawsuits, company`s lost productivity, employee`s moral can drop, stigmatize company`s reputation and so on.What will show up when you are locating your personal employment history?o Employment History
o Place of Employment
o Employment Status
o Social Security Information
o Workplace injuries
o Leaves
o Tax Records
o Employment misconduct records
o Moonlighting Work History
o Pension Contributions
o TerminationsWhy should you locate your employment history?
If you want to give a sensation of a professional applicant, then it is your responsibility to provide you possible employers the information they need to contact your former employers. What you need to do is give your future employer the names of all the companies where you used to work, a contact person for each company, email addresses, and telephone numbers. Then your former employers will confirm your resume and your salary and whether you were a valuable employee. Also, when you run an employment history check then you will see personally if there is maybe something questionable that might create a cause for concern. This way, if the employer mentions the issue in the interview you will be prepared for it, and there will be no unpleasant surprises.Credit history
Positions where you will be handling other people’s credit cards (sales, customer service) or money (banks) might require your credit history along with your personal employment history. The higher credit score you have, the better chances of getting a job in this area.If you have a low credit score, it is very likely that companies will see a future problem in that fact, and will not be willing to get you access to money and credit cards.There are excellent websites that allow individuals to find the different places they have worked over the years. You just have to ask for a personal work history and you will get it immediately as a report, all in one place. You don`t have gather the information from different places on the web. These websites do it all for you.

Discover The History Of Aquaponics: Who Invented Aquaponics? You Decide |

In this article we are going to look at the history of aquaponics. There is a lot of debate when it comes to the history of aquaponics.People argue whether the Chinese were the first people to really use aquaponics or if it was the Aztecs. These two camps will never agree.However; will you allow me to give you a short history of aquaponics and let you decide for yourself who were the inventors of aquaponics?With your permission then I will continue…The Ancient Chinese And AquaponicsThe Chinese had a system in use in the 6th century. They reared ducks in cages. These cages had partial open floors. These opening were above ponds of finfish.The “waste” from the ducks would feed the finfish. These cunning Chinese farmers also reared catfish in another pond which the water from the finfish drained. So any excess waste would be supplied to the catfish.If there was any “leftover food” it went to the paddy fields to help the rice grow. This was a system in harmony where nothing went to waste.Aquaponics And The AztecsThe Aztec when it came to “aquaponics” called their system “chinampas”. In the Aztec system they grew a variety of crops including maize, squash and other plants on rafts in water which were used to rear fish too.The Aztecs were using their systems from the 1400’s onwards.So who do you favor? Myself I go for the Chinese for a truer “aquaponics system”. However as I say the debate is fierce.How Did We Get From The Chinese and The Aztec To Modern Aquaponics Systems?Let us start in 1969 shall we? Meet John and Nancy Todd who along with William McLarney founded the New Alchemy Institute.They worked on building a “proto-ark” which was to be self-sufficient, powered by solar and would allow a family to survive year-round using holistic methods.An Aquaponics History: The 1980’sWe move on to Mark McMurty and Professor Doug Sanders who created the first “closed loop” aquaponics system.In their system “poop” from the fish tank was used to “trickle irrigate” cucumber and tomatoes which were grown in sand beds. These sand beds were also bio-filters used to clean the water for the fish.An Aquaponics History: The 1990’sNext we have to learn about Tom and Paula Sperano. These pioneers revised McMurty and Sanders methods to create their “bionic concept.”The Sperano’s grew vegetables and herbs in a flow and ebb system using gravel grow beds irrigated by nutrient rich water supplied by a 2200 liter tank being used to raise Tilapia.The Sperano’s were the first people to use gravel grow beds that worked properly in aquaponics. Their system was seen as so effective it’s now been replicated throughout the world.Most people who have a backyard aquaponics garden will have probably based their system on the “bionic concept” the Sperano’s first introduced. So that’s how we get to modern aquaponics we know and love today.From the ancient Chinese of the 6th century to being able to have a backyard aquaponics system right in your own backyard so you can grow fresh produce all year round.Aquaponics History A Conclusions As you can see aquaponics goes way back in history and been used by civilizations successfully.I haven’t mentioned aquaculture in South East Asia or the Egyptian who used water and fish to grow plants.